Carbon Emission Reduction

Carbon Saver Certificate

Landfill gas is collected via piping system installed within the landfill site. By transforming methane gas, which has 25 times more greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide, to the electrical energy, approximately 2.000.000 tons of carbon emission is reduced annually.

Our projects hold Gold Standard Certificate, which is known as the most prestigious global scaled certificate program on carbon offsetting projects. Projects owning this certificate should meet the following criteria:

  • Project should reduce carbon emission or should contribute to emission reduction.
  • It should be provided that local people contribute to the project.
  • Project should share its knowledge and experiences on renewable energy and/or energy efficiency with improving countries.
  • Project should be environment friendly and should contribute to protection of biological diversity and sustainable utilization of natural resources.

Accordingly, our certificate ensures that our energy efficient and renewable energy projects contribute to reduction of carbon emissions and local people gets benefit from these projects.


Dusuk Karbon Kahramani

Istanbul Karbon Zirvesi


We have received “Low Carbon Hero” award in VI. İstanbul Carbon Summit hosted by İstanbul Technical University on 09.04.2019. Each tomato, which is produced in our greenhouses heated with waste heat coming out from energy generation plants instead of fossil fuels, saves 5 tons of carbon emissions.

Let us be solution partner
to you for offsetting
your carbon footprint.Contact Us


We provide approximately 2.000.000 tons
of carbon emission reduction annually.

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